嗣-TSUGU- is based on the idea of passing on tradition and culture, which is contained in the meaning of the word, and we will sell our products in the form of passing on, continuing, and protecting tradition while valuing coexistence with nature.
Through our activities, we have come into contact with the producers and have felt their passion for making things as well as their personalities, so we decided to start our own business to help protect and continue the traditions by sharing them with as many people as possible.
The logo is based on the Chinese character for “Tsugu”, with elements of “Japan” and “Communicate ” added to create a dignified, sophisticated and impressive design.
The design expresses the image of transmitting and connecting local products to all kinds of places (inside and outside Japan).
The overall shape is a “red circle” (=sun circle), which is intuitively associated with Japan. The shape is also reminiscent of the decorative windows that show the base of the building, or base windows, which have been popular in tea rooms for centuries.